19:38:30 Held down down my i'm gonna give him 5 more minutes and then we'll close it out 19:38:33 Oh, welcome back. Yeah, I have to say apologize to my group we didn't have time to hear from everybody. 19:38:40 Oh, yeah, we didn't get up to I heard from everybody but we didn't answer all the questions, but we got , in my group. 19:38:48 We didn't answer just one. The last question on there joined my group as well. 19:38:57 The the the get folks to speak. I appreciate that. 19:39:03 I mentioned as we were going out that people should go to the chat. 19:39:06 If there's something they really wanted to be said to go to the chat, so that we have that data there, too, and we can put something information on the question they want to answer before we get started. 19:39:19 I just wanted to remind everyone that since we came back from breakout groups we have to choose our language again. 19:39:28 So. folks, if you please, just click on the globe, or under 3 dots, and choose English if you want to hear it in English or Spanish or Chinese. 19:39:38 Thank you. Thank you so much 19:39:45 Alright, so I think maybe we can do some reporting back, and maybe a little bit more discussion. 19:39:52 We have 20 min left. We have 20 min left, so so I I I think one person from each group can probably report back. 19:40:03 Maybe us like the right like the facilitators. 19:40:08 Or if you need me to report back Barbara I can do it from our group. 19:40:13 Cause I did. took I took some notes. But yeah, if we can hear from everyone just like to see what was said. And I think a lot of our stuff is probably gonna be similar. 19:40:24 But yeah. So Sarah. sure I can go first with our group. 19:40:32 I just wanted to just say, Lauren has an announcement before we end to make so I just want to get her on the agenda. 19:40:40 But So the overall experience has been good just given. 19:40:44 Covid it's it's been a learning, and it's also inspiring i'm just reading my note. 19:40:53 Sorry. We love the idea of zoom continuing It's been been really great for families. 19:41:01 A lot of a lot of participation from families with that option. 19:41:07 Some of the challenges. that the school face is just possibly new leadership coming or leadership leaving and then trying to understand the culture of the school. 19:41:20 Again, Covid. That was a challenge some parents are still not in the building. 19:41:24 Don't really under don't really know the environment inside the building after school, understanding Esther funds, and how the money is allocated. 19:41:37 Another parent mentioned that the population one of the challenges is the majority of the population is Latinx and majority of the parent involvement group Doesn't reflect that so one of the challenges is How do you get 19:41:50 more family participation, or get that reflection. 19:41:56 Get you get the parent counsel to be more effective of that looking for ways to better engage families. 19:42:03 The question of support. I feel that a lot of the family I mean a lot of the parents do feel supported by other parents and the parent Council. 19:42:13 You know, when the principal comes and attends and is able to answer questions, but it's been a very supportive group. 19:42:20 Amongst other families and parents, and the in the group. 19:42:25 How can Cpc grow? How can the cpc group help? 19:42:28 And it's just basically the sharing of information like having people like Donna and other members of the district come in and educate us. 19:42:35 Some certain things, and then learning how to advocate at the school level. 19:42:40 And sharing information and resources, and also being able to connect with other families across the district. 19:42:48 That that That's something that we're looking forward to get from the Cpc. quote. 19:42:53 I think that was it. 19:43:01 Yup. it's like I think that sounds a lot similar. 19:43:05 I can go, or Barbara, do you want me to report back, or do you want to do it? 19:43:08 From our group that Okay, go ahead. You go ahead. Go ahead. 19:43:12 Thank you So we we sort of like try to go through each question like do around for each question. 19:43:21 So we didn't get I mean we got I think a lot of us answered it in in a ways that we could find out like the challenges. 19:43:29 So some of folks experience with the Cpc. Rep. 19:43:33 Has in our group was that It's been informative They feel that they could come to the Cpc. 19:43:39 Meeting and get information that they're not getting at like the parent counts or school site council sort of like at the school level. 19:43:47 So that's one thing that came from a friend you are over parents. that they're learning a lot for a lot of the parents in our group that has been like the first year, or they're like k 0 or k 19:44:01 one parents, which to me is exciting, because I think that we have, like a versatility of, you know, like we have a versatile group of parents as, and we have from K. 19:44:10 0 all the way to 12, You know some some kids that are graduating this year. 19:44:15 So I think that that's awesome like to hear about the K. 19:44:18 0. Okay, one parents yeah So that's that's thing. Some of the good things are positive things that are going well are like, for example, at orchard gardens. 19:44:33 They have like a coffee hour every month, and just something that I just thought about was like that. 19:44:38 1% of the money could be used for coffee hour to engage parents, you know, like that. 19:44:42 1% like that's my coffee box and Joe or something. 19:44:47 So I think that's a great idea just to throw that out there as a way to engage other parents. 19:44:53 I think we should start doing that as well. So learning a lot so attendance is one of the challenges for some folks, and I think that that's probably across right engage in parents getting folks to come in 19:45:10 At a lot of the meetings is the same 10 folks that are also in the School Site Council plus the parent Council plus the hiring team, plus, you know. 19:45:17 So it's like So just engage in more folks has really been a challenge in 19:45:24 And then. Yeah, so. and then, in some some other challenges has been that like the learning how to advocate right at the school level. 19:45:32 So there's a lot of heated discussions that happen but you know a lot of things don't move forward right like I can complain about the playground, or whatever like How can what action stuff can we take so that has been 19:45:45 some challenges. and that's sort of just my my little thing. 19:45:51 Yeah, I think I don't know who else wants to go next? 19:45:55 Did I add it up. I Didn't Miss anything but I think we're missing Chang Ms group, and was it? 19:46:04 Joe's group. joanne's group joanne you Wanna go. 19:46:10 You want me. Go, 19:46:15 I don't know when you went went to but I would go then 19:46:22 We we did not get a chance to have everybody finished but 19:46:27 We had a group of people who are newer and people who have been on for many years. 19:46:33 I think there is a it's a group of very active consent. 19:46:37 Parents who are very active in this school which is wonderful and it's one of the reasons people became Cpc. 19:46:45 Reps is to learn from each other, and to hear what other, what other things are happening in other schools. and that has been one of the highlights to get information. there is to learn about information and resources. 19:47:01 That you would otherwise not get, and also, yeah to to I I think, to be able to kind of like share aspect. 19:47:10 This is, you know. How do you? How do you really do do this job and organize parents? 19:47:14 Really well to make the changes that needs to happen so that's something as the Cpc. 19:47:22 We wanted to be thinking about about how to make that happened. 19:47:26 And in terms of the challenges and stresses the pandemic has definitely been being a stress all around, both in terms of the lad of hybrid. 19:47:35 Hybrid teaching habit schooling and just staff and everybody teaches and staff and principles, everybody being really stretched really thin. 19:47:48 So sometimes it doesn't while there's support there is things don't often. 19:47:55 What should I say? The follow up is not as s timely as all of us would hope. 19:48:03 Anybody else wants to add anything in my group. Did I miss anything 19:48:13 Okay. back to Joanne 19:48:20 You're on mute I i'll try and i'm new myself. 19:48:25 I'm on my cell phone so I I apologize i'm grouped for 19:48:30 Our feedback was pretty much of what the overall so feedback was from each group being already being shared. 19:48:40 The how was the experience of the first question? from Scottie Mostly was talking, and I goes in 19:48:51 Daniel was trying to get folks to to participate in knowing that it's It's so important that if the feedback is negative or positive, it is, we need the feedback the data to to address the concerns of the the body 19:49:05 of the Cpc. So his experience. he he stated that it was a lot of meetings, but in lighting, and his school is transisting me from I believe. he said, a to 5 to a 6 No, we're adding we're 19:49:23 getting the , , You're adding up the Bps's, Julieta. 19:49:28 You were there when we were talking about this the other week it's a nice and around that it's just meeting the the support of the transitioning and that could be hard and and i'd feel for you guys 19:49:43 Another parent indicated that the first year bps 19:49:49 I had no idea as a parent in the beginning of filling up a discount, but as they became A by a part of the Cpc. 19:49:58 Was able to get, you know, information and get that information and pass it on to their their school. 19:50:05 Commit a community not knowing where it would land, but in that aspect they were happy to be a part of the Cpc. 19:50:13 Overall. I believe Sarah has been a big Bps family for about 6 years. 19:50:21 And and just learning the act she wants an action plan for next year. 19:50:28 As the Cpc. body of as a as a focus for the next year, and put that on the agenda. 19:50:38 And me and Demo was also talking about that need that 19:50:45 But Overall was happy to be a part of the Cpc. 19:50:52 Let me ask you to help me along this way I was taking notes, and I can't even understand my own notes. 19:50:59 No, that's okay. So what I gathered from our group, and please chime in. 19:51:05 Correct me from wrong in any way. but we did have like one concern, just like with staff leaving in turnaround. 19:51:14 And so what that might look like for our students going in to the New Year? and what what's the plan? 19:51:20 And how do we work with family engagement? or the district to know what that might look like? 19:51:26 And that's going to be a real concern coming up for parents whether they're realizing it now or not 19:51:33 And then I think another one was just, I think, not necessarily not having transparency. 19:51:37 But then, how are we working around with the district in regards to changes of schools, and how what those buildings look like if they're if we're expanding or relocating, and how not communicating with this promptly or not 19:51:56 letting parents know promptly of where we're going like one parent was, he said, that they were going to be at a community center, and then now they're going to be at the Urban But then, the concern is 19:52:07 Is it just our school at the urban, or is it 3 other schools at the urban? 19:52:12 And then the turnaround for that within the district like so there's been different turnaround going on there, and what that looks like. 19:52:18 And then I Another concern I heard was like the culture and the climate, with staff within schools, and what that looks like when they leave and new staff come in. 19:52:29 And how do we work with them as parents? and how do they work with us? 19:52:34 To give them to what we're used to within that system, and then adapt into what they might want to bring to the table. 19:52:40 Did I mean anything? No, that's good and They also talked about 19:52:45 How are you being supported from your your school community? 19:52:49 Meaning the principal. the the family a's on Scottie said that his principal has been very helpful. 19:52:59 He didn't talk too much about the liaison, but the family counseling felt that . our liaison is great, too. 19:53:07 I will say I everyone at school has been fantastic it's bps that's been the problem. 19:53:11 So I think that'd be a lot of head knots for that one. 19:53:17 Thank you, Scottie, but that's the overall from brute force. 19:53:22 So we thank you for, for everyone participated and was able to share and sharing in the chat. 19:53:27 We thank you. This is just very much needed, Alright, so so I I keep run saying this. 19:53:36 But how do you phone feel? cause we have the subcommittees, I know with Scottie. 19:53:42 The the next thing on the agenda was our subcommittees. So I think that I don't think we have time today, right? 19:53:48 But a lot of these things when it comes to like facilities right? and then, when it comes to like an engagement, family engagement, like a lot of those things, can be worked out like with in our subcommittees. 19:54:02 Once we start to have them. just because I feel like we have so many, and from so much information that we share in this meeting that we really need to start like having those little meetings in between. 19:54:11 And again, I know preparing volunteers and it's more time right. 19:54:17 But cause those subcommittees like build bps when it comes to like Scottie's concern, for example, like we've been 3 schools that have been working on that sixth grade expansion, but we're 19:54:26 not the only schools that are expanding to sixth grade right? it's just that we've worked together. So it's like, How do we find out? How is that going in everybody's school like and so build vps is an 19:54:40 important subcommittee to even if it's not like even if they're not meeting in the district. 19:54:46 Right, just like Donna said us having our own subcommittee to have those discussions the same thing with, like the finance, and making sure that we have like our 501 c. 19:54:56 3. So in the in the agenda there are 2 links to the different subcommittees are And I would just say that I think that I think we can send out a Google form and you know a Google form to 19:55:13 get folks to try to join the subcommittees and I would say to get them started next year, I don't, you know, like i wouldn't right like I think that it would be unrealistic for us to 19:55:23 say that in the next 2 months we only have 2 months left that we're gonna try to get the subcommittees together, and we will try to schedule some type of retreat which I know that Thelma. 19:55:38 You know that we just where I think that we can bring in folks sometimes during the summer, just to get a heads up on planning right for us, and not only for us, but also like for the parent councils like we don't want the parent 19:55:52 Councils elections to happen on the first 19:56:14 So we wanna keep them engaged, and keep them going to anybody who's interested who's here now feel free to do the form or put it in the chat, and then we'll follow up, and then we can expand on that 19:56:26 Okay, and then , can you see the difference between the internal and external? 19:56:34 So the internal subcommittees are the subcommittees, like, for example, build alright. 19:56:41 So external are committees that the district has that they require a Cpc. 19:56:48 Member representative to be a part of. So these are district meetings that are, and then our internal subcommittees would be our subcommittees. 19:56:58 Like, you know, our built Vps folks our bus like transportation. 19:57:02 I know folks are interested in having a subcommittee for and then the subcommittees that are in the bylaws, which are somewhat like, what? 19:57:11 Yeah, the internal ones are the ones that are in the bylaws that we're supposed to be meeting for like different things which you know, the different chairs are supposed to lead. 19:57:20 So don year I did actually create a Google form for folks to sign up as well volunteer. So I don't know if you guys suggest we share that later, like months, we finalize it as a leadership team. 19:57:34 But I did start a Google form for free to say which subcommittees. 19:57:40 They're interested in I think it's a Google form with the internal and the external subcommittees. 19:57:44 So I don't know if you guys think that found we should do after John here. 19:57:49 I think you're right we shouldn't lose you know that moment so. 19:57:53 But that's something we can discuss and I think we'll send it out. 19:57:56 But you know we don't want to keep talking about it we wanna be about it. 19:57:59 So let's all like sign up and register and try to go part part of the 19:58:11 The the State laws, or the the whatever, whatever the mandate is for participating. 19:58:18 They're supposed to be community community representative so if your kids graduates from school. 19:58:26 You still want to be involved. You can come back and be involved in the community representative. 19:58:31 That's a that's a required like position on like the school site console that's That's right, Barbara. Yes, Okay, so think along lines of That too. 19:58:39 You can officially be involved Still, after you've left the school right? and then so we do so. I think for the next meeting. 19:58:50 Part of our agenda is gonna be Those sounds would probably, you know, like I think, that we would probably add that again we have to discuss it as a leadership team, and then 19:59:04 So, for follow up action items. Thank you so much. to the interpreters today. 19:59:11 For 5 for follow up action. items I think that it would be the I think we're gonna set up a meeting to prepare for the superintendent listening session right I think that's the 19:59:31 next one of the main things. We are also putting together the list of reps that we have. 19:59:39 For you know the different schools, and we are going to share that with Miss Jerry Robinson and advocate to figure out ways to make sure that we have reps at every you know, from every school. 19:59:54 Then we are also going to. If folks can take a look at the subcommittees, the internal and external subcommittees, we will be receiving an email soon for folks to volunteer to be on that and 20:00:12 sharing a and Lauren has an announcement sorry, and then i'll ching him. 20:00:19 It is it? is a hard 8 right now. So you want Lauren to speak? 20:00:25 Yeah, , , this week. and then i'll Yeah. and then checking in, we could stay on, or if we sorry go ahead oh, okay, great, thank you. 20:00:35 This is I got an email from the the liaison at Kendra Lars office. 20:00:43 City Council Kendra lara and it's an imitation to the community preservation act meeting tomorrow night. 20:00:50 I'm so i'm gonna send this all through the list. So I just wanted to sort of announce it before I do that. 20:00:56 And so the community preservation i'm just to read the very first part. The Community Preservation Fund is finance by a 1% property texture charge in a State match which the city raises 25 million annually to 20:01:09 fund, and one of the things that it can be used for as Bps schools are among those eligible to apply for grant funding through the community preservation fund. 20:01:20 So this person needs to be a Cbc. rapid. So she wanted to make sure that we had this information. 20:01:26 And So the meeting is tomorrow night, and I will forward along to the list, so anyone can attend if they would like to do that. 20:01:32 Thank you, Lauren, thank you so so like we we got, I think, from the chat a list of names of people who are able to go to the listening session for the superintendency. 20:01:46 But we didn't get a chance to actually get input from parents around. 20:01:53 What are the some? what are some issues? What is some points besides the stipend thing that our parents want to suggest that that that would be voice and set in the listing session. 20:02:07 So I wonder if is there a way for people to still send that input in? 20:02:12 So that when that meeting when that yes, it has the input of parents? Yep: So if you go right into the jam board, I think I was thinking about this ahead of time, if you go to the Gym. 20:02:25 Board, and you go to page 5. I believe it is in that gym board. 20:02:30 I think it says I think it has that question. so I think ching him. 20:02:37 Do you suggest like, should we? I mean folks are still able to go in there and add, That is there, I think. do you think that's a way that we could collect that information? 20:02:47 Still, or do you think it could be through a poll because it is on there? 20:02:50 It's the fifth page of the jam board try to get that feedback. 20:02:56 I just think I I forgot that I had added that on there I think the Jim Jambo would be sufficient to to to get that feedback right? 20:03:04 Yeah, I think the jambo would be good but some of us came late, so we didn't get a link to the Gym. 20:03:08 Board. So those who did who came late. Perhaps we could just if you send the link again or send all people could write into the Cpc. 20:03:18 Email or something, but just some way in which people can give the input And please don't wait too long because if you wait too long You're gonna forget about it , I won't forget i'm gonna we're gonna 20:03:31 send out. So we're gonna send out thank you aaron shout out to Aaron: de Carlo for helping us today with taken wonderful notes. 20:03:42 So we have some really great notes that we took so we're gonna send out hopefully those notes that notes document that will have the jam board, and hopefully a revision with the next action steps. 20:03:56 So like a is. Is there a way for a link to go on the Cpc website so that they can just go right into it so that you can reach more if people buy a chance stumble upon it. 20:04:08 Yep. I think we can do that. Chris might have already left. 20:04:13 But if you guys as a leadership team can help me remember this stuff, so we could send Chris over an email 20:04:21 Then, yeah, for sure, I think we can. anything that anyone feels that should be included in the website. 20:04:28 Please make sure to Yeah, email us and but we'll make sure that we'll add this we'll add this the jam board and 20:04:38 Can you get the Cpc website on again, too? in the chat 20:04:59 So that is the website. So it's 8 o 4 if If so, folks from the leadership teams could stay on for probably like 5 min. 20:05:08 And that would be great. but otherwise, Thank you guys so much. 20:05:10 I thought this was such a great meeting, and I hope that you all founded helpful and engage in, and and good as well. 20:05:19 Brennan about the info sharing session. 20:05:24 I was gonna say that I'm i'm in part of that like group as a Cpc. 20:05:29 Representative. So I can like, if you want, we can connect about that about the policy around info sharing 20:05:41 But yeah, just wanted to let you know that. Thank you all so much. 20:05:45 Yes, for sure we can, because parents, we are wondering if Their child is involved in an incident. 20:05:52 They would want to know what really happened, not being told about them. 20:05:58 You want to see it, but because of privacy they can't they can't now see what's going on. 20:06:08 They have to trust that I guess yeah and i'll i'll just quickly share that we did have a meeting, and I I planned on sharing back today. 20:06:18 But I think i'll do it at the next meeting all I should probably send a summary, but that is one of the main things that we're talking about in that group, and the info sharing working group is when our parents being 20:06:30 notified right. about incidents happening or like, when is there like an intervention? 20:06:38 And if parents are not like, how are you guys engage in parents in the implementation of you know of these things like, for example, if my child is a the victim of of something, right, is the victim, what information are you sharing with 20:06:57 that victims parent is my child, is the offender. 20:07:01 What information are you sharing with the you know like and then they are using that a lot? 20:07:08 There's no privacy but parents have to know like when are you letting parents know when our parents involved in this. 20:07:17 So this is part of what we've been i've been bringing up as a parent representative is like, When is there a line between the cause? 20:07:27 We talk a lot about like Boston Police Department, and the information that is shared with them. 20:07:32 But a lot of it is also like what information is shared like with parent about either one of their child. 20:07:38 If their child's a victim or Is a a an offender, like, how are parents being involved? 20:07:44 So yeah, So I just wanted to yeah so that's that's something that we're trying to work on finding out from them, because it is. 20:07:54 It is funny, we're told it's a lengthy process to come up with a resolution. 20:08:04 But if that is the case and I don't know what really happened, I can't even correct my chat if I can't, because there was just something else, and she says something else. 20:08:16 So like we didn't mention it but we have the Superintendent Quarterly Meeting. 20:08:21 That's what it's an opportunity for you to ask all your questions, and we bring it to them. 20:08:27 And then they respond. I think we forgot to mention it. 20:08:29 The meetings happening on Donna is gone but it's made something, and they need the questions by May tenth. 20:08:36 So So if you email your question to us what it's in the chat, we can send it to Donna and make sure that when the we meet with the superintendent that question is answered, and then we can report out to you 20:08:49 on in May when we meet in May. But yeah, are these questions sent to the to the superintendent ahead of time so that they can. 20:09:02 Yes, yeah, I'm prepared and bring the people to answer the right questions. 20:09:07 And whatever. Yeah, Okay, So thank you, Brend, just send me an email and we can connect a little bit about that. 20:09:15 And I can try to, you know, like connect you with someone. 20:09:19 But otherwise Yes, this is the superintendent meeting, and then we can try to reach out to 20:09:27 There's folks in the district that we can email you know, like if you feel like you need more more assistance with that that. 20:09:35 Yeah, that we could connect with but definitely the superintendent meeting. I think that's important to bring up that that part. 20:09:43 But otherwise, thank you all very much you guys have a good night and then I'm just waiting for the 20:09:53 If the leadership team can stay on Yes, but see we're gonna that's why i'm trying to stay on so that we could figure out like what follows up. 20:10:03 Email we should send cause I yeah I wanna make sure, like we said that. 20:10:08 You know we're trying to get a lot of info and data from Hope. 20:10:11 So we wanna make sure that we follow up with the follow up email. 20:10:15 My room just erupted in chaos, and I totally missed everything. 20:10:20 The past couple of minutes. Thank you aaron one more time I'm. 20:10:34 Sorry email to the Cpc website. Yeah, I guess Kathy is is asking if she wants to email the Cpc. 20:10:42 How this? What's the email address kathy do you mean the Cpc. 20:10:51 As in. Do you want an email like the entire group, like all of the Cpc members, or go ahead? Submit any questions we have for the superintendent? 20:11:10 Yep: do we email to the Cpc. website? Yeah. 20:11:16 So you can email it. Let me see, Samma, how did you wanna do that? 20:11:22 Are we gonna connect, collect the questions right on the form that Donna shared? 20:11:28 Or is it right right on the form? and our people do. 20:11:33 People have access to be able to go in there and add the questions? 20:11:36 Or are we gonna add those questions? No, So she's talking about this for you talking about the quarterly meetings with the superintendent. 20:11:44 Are you talking about? Okay, for those? you can send it to us? 20:11:48 And what I usually do is I send it to Donna, who then sends it to them for the meeting and and to be fair to them, they do answer all the questions. 20:11:57 They make sure that all the questions are: Yeah. what stuff is it the you won the city wise? 20:12:05 Council, Google Group, or do you want them to email right or hey? 20:12:11 Just email me cause I don't really know just email me I thought we have an email on our website. 20:12:16 I don't know what off the top of my head but we can check in. 20:12:19 That's the email that I thought I would go through so you should probably put your email downowntown. 20:12:25 Oh, there you go! thank you. thank you. Alright, Well, thank you, Kathy. 20:12:32 Thank you, Courtney. thank you everyone else. lauren i'm sorry. sorry. 20:12:43 I was just wondering if I could keep the lead. the leadership team for a minute. 20:12:46 At the end, Yep. And I. Yeah. Alright, thank you so much. 20:12:52 No problem. right? So i'm gonna put everyone else in the waiting room. 20:12:57 I'm: So sorry, guys, we're just trying to get a little executive meeting going here real quick, and it's getting sorry to enter up I I didn't know if you wanted me to stay for that Yeah, evan 20:13:10 have a good night. everyone. bye. Thank you, Betsy. 20:13:14 Nice to meet you. you too, 20:13:21 Alright, I think we got it now. Oh, did someone I think someone extra left. But I don't know Alright, and go right ahead. Okay, I'm sorry. 20:13:33 Just really quick. I I was traveling home on tuesday, so it's not a good date for me anymore. 20:13:40 I guess I was just wondering if if you would be open. 20:13:43 To doing sort of like a a zoom screenshot, so I could introduce the new leadership team on this Cpc social media. 20:13:57 It's the the best idea I had I just think that you know, between all of you and your talents and your schools. 20:14:04 We've got great, really amazing group to promote here and I was wondering if you'd be open to sort of like a zoom photo thing that I can put up on the Facebook group or the Twitter I could I 20:14:18 could leave it off Twitter if you just prefer it to be on Facebook or 20:14:23 So, anyway. you don't have to risk respond Now I just wanted to throw that out there as a thought. 20:14:31 I think it's a great idea I don't know how folks feel. 20:14:36 Another idea I had was ken folks send like individual pictures like Maybe if we have a, you know, like a nice picture picture that we would like to send instead of like, you know, picture I think it's an 20:14:57 awesome idea. Yeah. So I don't wanna put people in the spot to say yes or no right now. 20:15:03 But if if you wanna let me know and we can go from there, why don't everyone just send a nice picture of yourself that you really like to Lauren and she can introduce us in. 20:15:19 The What do you think that defeats the purpose of the screenshot thing she was talking about? 20:15:25 Because you know everybody, you know a screenshot of a zoom sounds good, though. 20:15:34 I would like it. No, i'm not gonna what everybody wants to do is violate me.