CPC Urges Mayor and City Council to Rescind Cuts to Buses, Food Services, Truancy Officers

City-Seal-150_tcm3-31584The Citywide Parent Council in our budget letter called on Mayor Walsh to rescind the proposed cuts to 7th grade buses, to the Food and Nutrition program, and the elimination of 3 of the 4 truancy officers BPS currently employs that are in the current F Y 2015/16 budget before the City Council.

The CPC also commended the Mayor for the increased funding he has earmarked for the contractually obligated raises within BPS, together with money for new programs such as Extended Learning Time, and the further expansion of pre-K seats.

At the same time, the CPC also asked the Mayor to be mindful of what we term the “iceberg deficit” we continue to see at the school level where for many reasons (including the continued cuts in state funding, the impact the state funding formula for charter schools has on BPS, and this year’s reclassification of the state’s poverty designation) means that many of our schools face the loss of valued teachers and staff that is often masked by the increased funding to cover cost increases year over year.

We therefore hope the City Council and the Mayor, through reconsidering these proposed cuts, are able to help us successfully help all our students get a quality education in a safe and nurturing environment to, in, and after, school.

Read the entire letter here.